Hi guys!
I just want to give you all a quick update on what's going on with the Dreams Campaign at the moment.
This August, we're having an organisation called Rhiza on board with us. Rhiza is coming to Nairobi to see what we've been doing as dreams campaign down here.
Together we're going to visit some of the projects we've been doing before, and then we'll finish with a home visit in Nairobi Ruai's estate. There we will also carry a basketball clinic for the kids at the home.
At the home in Nairobi Ruai's estate, we're hoping to encourage the kids a lot for their future lives, and we believe Rhiza can really help us out with that.
Preparations for the actual day are done, and the home visit will be on the 13th of August 2011.
Praying that God makes this successful.Keep your Dreams alive.!!
Praying that God transforms this Dreams to reality.