Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Imani (Faith)

Last week, we visited a home in Nairobi's eastlands. The home is called Imani, which means Faith in Swahili. This home caters for kids of all ages. From babies who are one day old, but also teenagers.
When we visited we helped the kids do the work they had to do for that day, so that the day we were there, they got enough time to play. So basically we cleaned the place, made their beds, cooked and did all kinds of other chores around the house.
We mobilized over 50 youths in Nairobi to take part in this and it was a blessing. The youths came with clothes to give out & snacks to share to the kids.
The picture shows one of the youths working in the kitchen. As the Dreams Campaign team, we plan to visit as many homes as possible to give the people in the homes hope, so come join hands with us!